
War For Cybertron Trilogy Unicron is MIB.

14 pounds, 27" tall, what else is there to say? This War For Cybertron Trilogy exclusive is beyond words, having a presence that pictures cannot convey. He's large and DEFINITELY in charge!

This Generations Legacy set is MIB.

This Ghostbusters Afterlife Spengler/Pheobe proton pack has been heavily modified. It's one of the few pieces in my collection that I couldn't let remain stock.

Changes to the Ghostbusters proton pack from stock (left) to now (right) are extensive, with all resistors/wires/wire looms/hoses/associated hardware replaced with real parts, accurate ribbon cable, and more. It's even mounted on the exact same ALICE frame as the screen-used pack!
(War For Cybertron Trilogy Unicron can be seen peeking in from the right of each picture. He's a big boy.)

This Generations Legacy set is MIB.