
This was a 2017 Christmas gift from my wife.

This ridiculous 2023 figure is MIB.

I honestly didn't set out to collect duplicates. I just put in a pre-order for two at Gamestop, planning to open one. Then, HasbroPulse had a preorder for $10 less, so I ordered from there. Of course, then I couldn't cancel the Gamestop order because I used PayPal. Rather than cancelling HasbroPulse, I figured 4 guys (Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, Zeddemore) could use four cars. Plus, the chances of getting at least one pristine box were improved. My wallet was not happy.
These Collaborative crossover figures are MISB.

2021 Ghostbusters Afterlife
This Collaborative crossover figure is MISB.

This exclusive is MISP.

2019 Ghostbusters
This 2019 SDCC Exclusive was purchased from It sold out in under 30 seconds. I was VERY lucky to score one.
This Collaborative/Masterpiece - US crossover is MISB.

This is the silver-tipped version of Spengler's Neutrona Wand from Ghostbusters Afterlife.
So far, only the rear grip has been updated with a new insert and actual gaffer tape.

This is the 1984 version of Spengler's Neutrona Wand, based on the orange-tipped Afterlife wand with new grips, Clippard, battery cover screw, and paint apps.
It's currently MIB, but it probably won't stay that way.

This HasLab Ghostbusters Afterlife Spengler/Pheobe proton pack has been heavily modified. It's one of the few pieces in my collection that I couldn't let remain stock.

Changes to the HasLab proton pack from stock (left) to now (right) are extensive, with all resistors/wires/wire looms/hoses/associated hardware replaced with real parts, accurate ribbon cable, and more. It's even mounted on the exact same ALICE frame as the screen-used pack!